Quick links
—> New additions to EuroSys 2021
—> Submission instructions
—> Submission website
—> Camera-ready instructions
—> Instructions for conference talks
—> Important dates
The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) is a premier international forum for presenting computer systems research. EuroSys 2021 seeks papers on all areas of computer systems research, including:
We encourage papers that span multiple topics and communities. Papers will be judged on novelty, significance, correctness, and clarity. The program committee seeks papers that address a significant problem with an interesting and compelling solution whose validity and practicality are clearly demonstrated. A good paper will draw appropriate conclusions, honestly present related prior work, acknowledge its own limitations, and clearly articulate the advances it offers over prior work.
There are three new features in this year’s Eurosys reviewing process.
As has been standard practice in OSDI and SOSP in recent years, we will allow authors to submit quick responses to PC reviews: they will be made available to the PC before the final online discussion and PC meeting.
Papers that are deemed to broadly meet the criteria for acceptance except in several clearly-identified aspects will be asked to submit a revised version for re-evaluation. We will use a similar model to the one used by SIGMOD (with the text below taken from the SIGMOD website, with permission). The program committee will invite revisions at their discretion. Authors will have less than a month to prepare their revision. The revision process is intended to be a constructive partnership between reviewers and authors. To this end, reviewers will be instructed to request revisions only in constructive scenarios with specific requests. In turn, authors bear the responsibility of attempting to meet those requests within the stated time frame, or of withdrawing the paper from submission. Common revision requests can include ''justify a crucial assumption'', ''present a real(istic) scenario where the defined problem occurs'', ''clean up notation'', ''tighten presentation'', ''compare against some relevant previous system'', ''show experimental results with better data, such as at larger scale or from a real system''. Revisions will not be requested to address lack of technical depth or novelty or where the revised paper will address a substantially different problem from the original.
EuroSys 2021 will also introduce the inaugural Artifact Evaluation (AE) process at EuroSys. The goal of AE is to promote the reproducibility of experimental results and to encourage authors to provide useful artifacts that help the community quickly validate and compare alternative approaches. This submission is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers. AE will be run by a separate committee whose task is to assess how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. Additional information is available on the EuroSys 2021 Artifact evaluation webpage.
Posters: In addition to paper presentations, EuroSys 2021 will have a poster session. Submissions for posters will open closer to the conference deadline. Accepted papers will automatically qualify for the poster session, and authors will be strongly encouraged to participate.
Awards: EuroSys grants two best paper awards, one sponsored by ACM Europe Council and one by ACM EuroSys Chapter.
Reviewing is double-blind, meaning that the authors‘ identities will be hidden from the reviewers and vice versa. Authors must make a good faith effort to anonymize their submissions, and they should not identify themselves either explicitly or by implication (e.g., through the references or acknowledgments). Authors should be listed as
Use care in referring to your own related work. Do not omit references to your prior work, as this would make it difficult for reviewers to place your submission in its proper context. Instead, reference your past work in the third person, just as you would any other piece of related work. For example, you might say “Our system modifies the XYZ operating system built by Smith et al. [17]”.
In some cases, you may consider it inappropriate to refer to your related work in the third person. For example, your submission may extend a previous workshop paper, or it may relate to a submission currently under review. In these cases, you must still explain the differences between your present submission and the other work, but you should cite the other work anonymously and e-mail the deanonymized work to the PC chairs.
Authors are permitted to post drafts of their submission on e.g. arxiv or as technical reports on their institution's website. However, the submitted version should have a substantially different title, and a different system/tool name (if it uses one) from the draft version.
Submissions violating the detailed formatting and anonymization rules will not be considered for review. EuroSys applies ACM‘s policies for plagiarism, conflicts of interest, submission confidentiality, reviewer anonymity, and prior and concurrent paper submission. If you are uncertain about how to anonymize your submission, whether or not your submissions meet these guidelines, or have specific questions about the guidelines, please contact the program co-chairs, pc-chairs-2021@eurosys.org, well in advance of the submission deadline.
When registering and submitting your paper, you will need to provide information about conflicts with PC members. Use the following guidelines to determine conflicts:
More details on the conflict of interest policy can be found at the ACM website
The PC chairs will review paper conflicts to ensure the integrity of the reviewing process, adding conflicts if necessary. Similarly, if there is no basis for conflicts provided by authors, such conflicts will be removed Improperly identifying PC members as a conflict in an attempt to avoid having an individual review your paper may lead to the submission being rejected without review. If you have any questions about conflicts, please contact the program co-chairs (pc-chairs-2021@eurosys.org).
Submissions may have at most 12 pages of technical content, including all text, figures, tables, appendices, etc. Bibliographic references are not included in the 12-page limit. Use A4 or US letter paper size, with all text and figures fitting inside a 178 x 229 mm (7 x 9 in) block centered on the page, using two columns separated by ≥8 mm (0.33″) of whitespace. Use ≥10-point font (typeface Times Roman, Linux Libertine, etc.) on ≥12-point (single-spaced) leading. Graphs and figures should be readable when printed in grayscale, without magnification. All pages should be numbered. Authors are encouraged to hyperlink their references.
Most of these rules are automatically applied when using the official SIGPLAN Latex or MS Word templates from here. For Latex, we recommend you use (where <PAPER_ID> is the paper ID you received after abstract registration):
Submit your paper at: https://eurosys21.hotcrp.com/
For any further information, please contact the PC chairs: pc-chairs-2021@eurosys.org
In your paper’s HotCRP page (https://eurosys21.hotcrp.com/) you will find a link to the ACM copyright form. Once completed, ACM will send you the information and Latex directives (DOI, ISBN, etc.) needed to complete the camera-ready version of your paper.
You should use the acmart document class (https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template, the same as for submission), as follows: \documentclass[sigplan,10pt]{acmart}
As mentioned above, you’ll receive the instruction regarding some Latex directives (\setcopyright, \acmConference, \acmDOI, etc.) after completing the copyright form.
All accepted papers can use up to 2 additional pages for the camera-ready version, for a final limit of 14 pages, references not included. Papers that succesfully completed the Artifact Evaluation process can use up to 2 further additional pages, as an 'Artifact Appendix', to document the artifacts. Any badges awarded as part of the Artifact Evaluation process will be automatically added after the camera-ready submission.
Note that Type 1 fonts (scalable) should be used, not Type 3 (bit-mapped), and that all fonts must be embedded. Type and embedding of fonts can be checked with various tools including “pdffonts”. Page numbers should be suppressed. Make also sure that the PDF is searchable by testing the search function in a PDF reader.
The final version of your paper should be uploaded through HotCRP: https://eurosys21.hotcrp.com/. As a reminder, the camera-ready deadline for all papers is 2 April 2021.
For any further information for the camera-ready preparation, please contact the publication chairs: publications-2021@eurosys.org
Please find the instructions for preparing your conference talk here: [pdf]
The submission link for uploading the two videos is shared in the email by the PC chairs.
All deadline times are 23:59 hrs UTC.